Saturday, November 19, 2011

How do I get rid of brown spots on my zinnias?

It raining alot here. Could it be mildew

How do I get rid of brown spots on my zinnias?
Zinnias can sometimes be very tricky because they are susceptible to so many different things, ie. fungus, thrips, aphids etc. They really need to be put on a preventative maintenance schedule. For example spraying with a fungicide on a weekly basis whether or not they have it. They almost always get fungus after it rains alot. They also need alot of fertilizer too (1x a week at least). You'll get bigger and nicer plants this way and you won't have big holes in your plants from missing branches because the fungus killed it.
Reply:these brown spots could be from mildew...they alos could be from an insect....some garden pests (thwirps) are so tiny you cannt see them ...they get between the layers of the plant and literally suck the life out of them... especially in this rainy weather...I would suggest that you pick an effected leaf and take it to your local garden center and ask for suggestions....
Reply:Could be mildew, but if there is a lot of sun it could also be burnt spots. In that case give them some shade if possible. I am having that prob. My yard gets FULL sun all day, though I keep them moist, they tend to fade slightly and get brownish spots- continue to grow and bloom new flowers- keep trying!

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